Typeclasses as Interfaces and Function Overloading
Typeclasses in Lean bring together multiple concepts from other programming languages, notably function overloading and interfaces. In this section, we will focus on how to use typeclasses in Lean and how they relate to these familiar programming paradigms. For a deeper explanation of typeclasses we refer the reader to Overloading and Type Classes in FPiL
Function overloading
In many programming languages, function overloading allows the same function name to have different implementations depending on the types of its arguments. This is sometimes called ad-hoc polymorphism, where the behavior of a function adapts based on the types of its inputs.
In Lean, function overloading is achieved through typeclasses. A simple example is defining a size
function that works on different types:
class Size (A : Type) where
size : A -> Nat
This defines a function size
for any type A
, as long as thereβs an instance of Size
for that type. We can define an instance of Size
for lists, where the size of a list corresponds to its length:
instance {A : Type} : Size (List A) where
size l := l.length
For strings, size
can return the length of the string:
instance : Size String where
size s := s.length
For the type Unit
(which has only one value), the size can always return 0
instance : Size Unit where
size _ := 0
With these instances, the size
function is now overloaded and can be used with different types:
#eval Size.size [1, 2, 3]
#eval Size.size "hello"
#eval Size.size ()
A more complex example of function overloading is scalar multiplication, where we want to multiply elements of a type X
by a scalar of type R
class SMul (R X : Type) where
smul : R -> X -> X
export SMul (smul)
The smul
function allows us to define scalar multiplication for any pair of types R
and X
. The command export SMul (smul)
exports smul
from SMul
namespace so we can write just smul
instead of SMul.smul
. Hereβs how we might multiply a list of natural numbers by a scalar:
def natListSMul (n : Nat) (l : List Nat) : List Nat :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: xs => n * x :: natListSMul n xs
instance : SMul Nat (List Nat) := β¨natListSMulβ©
This instance allows us to multiply a list of natural numbers by a natural number. However, we can generalize this further to work with any list of X
where scalar multiplication between R
and X
is already defined:
def listSMul [SMul R X] (r : R) (l : List X) : List X :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: xs => smul r x :: listSMul r xs
instance : SMul Nat Nat := β¨fun x y => x * yβ©
instance [SMul R X] : SMul R (List X) := β¨listSMulβ©
Now we can scalar multiply not only lists of natural numbers but also lists of any type X
where smul
is defined. We can even apply this recursively to lists of lists:
#eval smul 10 [1, 2]
#eval smul 10 [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
#eval smul 10 [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
In these examples, smul
is overloaded based on the types involved, allowing flexible behavior for scalar multiplication.
Previously, for size
and smul
, the output type was either known or closely related to the input types. A more advanced example is matrix multiplication, where the output type is different from any of the input types. Multiplying two matrices A : Float^[n, m]
and B : Float^[m, k]
results in a matrix of type Float^[n, k]
. The output type is fully determined by the input types but is not directly one of them. We can express this relationship using an output parameter:
class MyMul (X Y : Type) (Z : outParam Type) where
mymul : X -> Y -> Z
export MyMul (mymul)
The outParam
keyword tells Leanβs type inference that the output type Z
is determined by the input types X
and Y
. We can then define an instance for matrix multiplication:
instance : MyMul (Float^[n,m]) (Float^[m,k]) (Float^[n,k]) where
mymul A B := β i j => β l, A[i,l] * B[l,j]
#eval mymul β[10.0,1;0,1000] β[1.0,2;3,4]
Lean already comes with a variety of typeclasses for heterogeneous operations, such as HAdd
, HMul
, and others, which are used every time you write +
, *
, or similar operations. These typeclasses enable function overloading for basic operators, providing an expressive and flexible way to define operations for a variety of types.
set_option pp.notation false in
#check 2 + 3
#eval 2 + 3
set_option pp.notation false in
#check [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
#eval [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
By turning off notation, set_option pp.notation false
, we can see that +
is a syntax for HAdd.hAdd
and ++
is syntax for HAppend.hAppend
Where is the Overloaded Function Defined?
When dealing with overloaded functions in Lean, it's important to know how to trace back to where specific implementations are defined. Overloaded functions, like HAdd.hAdd
, have different implementations depending on the types they work with. Simply navigating to the definition of the typeclass HAdd
will not show the specific implementations; it will only take you to the typeclass itself.
To find the exact definition of an overloaded function, you can use several techniques. Letβs explore these methods with an example.
Finding the Definition Using #synth
The #synth
command can be used to discover which instance of a typeclass is being utilized. For example, if you want to find out where negation for integers is defined, you can use:
#synth Neg Int
The output of this command will show which instance of the Neg
typeclass is being used for integers:
This tells us that the instance for negation on integers is Int.instNegInt
. To view the details of this instance, you can print it out:
#print Int.instNegInt
The output will provide the definition of the instance:
def Int.instNegInt : Neg β€ := { neg := Int.neg }
Here, Int.instNegInt
is defined as an instance of the Neg
typeclass for integers, with neg
being implemented by the function Int.neg
. This shows how the -
operator for integers is handled.
Alternative Method: Using pp.all
Another method to locate the specific instance is by using the pp.all
option, which allows you to see all implicit arguments in your code. This can be particularly useful for understanding which instance is applied:
set_option pp.all true in
#check fun x : Int => - x
The result of this command will show:
fun (x : Int) => @Neg.neg.{0} Int Int.instNegInt x : Int β Int
This output indicates that the negation operation for integers uses the instance Int.instNegInt
, showing that Neg.neg
is applied with the specific instance for integers.
By using these techniques, you can effectively trace back from an overloaded function to its specific instance, helping you understand how different types are handled by Leanβs typeclass system.
Defining Functions "Inductively" on the Type
In Lean, defining functions "inductively" on types involves creating instances for various cases of a type in order to handle arbitrary nesting and combinations of types such as lists, arrays, and products. This technique resembles mathematical induction, where we handle base cases and then generalize to more complex cases. Although Lean's Type
is not an inductive data type, we can mimic inductive definitions by providing instances for each specific case we want to cover. This approach allows us to define flexible functions over a subset of types.
Example: Summing Nested Structures
Letβs define a function sum
that computes the sum of all natural numbers in an expression that can be an arbitrary combination of lists, arrays, and products. For example, we want sum (#[1,2], [(10,20),(5,15)], 100)
to equal 163
. Here, the argument is of type Array Nat Γ List (Nat Γ Nat) Γ Nat
First, define a typeclass Sum
for our function:
class Sum (A : Type) where
sum : A -> Nat
export Sum (sum)
Base Case: Natural Numbers
We start by defining the sum
function for the base case, which is Nat
instance : Sum Nat where
sum n := n
This instance handles the simplest case where the type is a natural number itself.
Inductive Step: Lists
To handle lists of natural numbers or other types, we need to define how to sum elements of lists. For this, we assume that we have a Sum
instance for the type of list elements. Here's how we define Sum
for lists:
instance [Sum A] : Sum (List A) where
sum l := l.foldl (fun acc a => acc + sum a) 0
This instance uses foldl
to accumulate the sum of a list by applying the sum
function to each element and adding the results.
Now, we can compute the sum of lists of natural numbers:
#eval sum [1, 2, 3, 4]
#eval sum [[1, 2, 3], [4]]
Inductive Step: Products
Next, we handle products of two types. To sum the elements of a product, we need Sum
instances for both components of the product:
instance [Sum X] [Sum Y] : Sum (Prod X Y) where
sum := fun (x, y) => sum x + sum y
This instance sums the components of a product by applying sum
to each component and adding the results.
Handling More Complex Cases
Our current implementation of sum
effectively handles nested lists and products but encounters issues when dealing with elements that are not inherently summable. For example:
#eval sum [("dog", 15), ("cat", 2), ("elephant", 400)]
In this case, sum
fails because tuples containing a string and a number do not have a direct Sum
instance defined.
To address such scenarios, one approach is to provide a default Sum
instance for any type. This instance would act as a fallback when no more specific Sum
instance is applicable:
instance (priority := low) : Sum A where
sum a := 0
We assign a low priority to this default instance because it is intended to be used only as a fallback. By giving it low priority, Lean will prefer more specific Sum
instances over this default one, preventing it from overriding cases where a more appropriate instance exists. This approach helps ensure that the default instance does not inadvertently mask other Sum
implementations and is only used when no other suitable instance can be found.
#eval sum [("dog", 15), ("cat", 2), ("elephant", 400)]
Working with Functions of Arbitrary Arity
One important application of defining functions inductively is to handle functions with arbitrary arity. For instance, consider uncurry functions, which transform functions from tuples into functions with multiple arguments. While one might want to define an uncurry function like this:
def uncurry (f : Xβ β ... β Xβ β Y) (x : Xβ Γ ... Γ Xβ) : Y := f x.1 ... x.n
Lean does not support ellipses (...
) for arbitrary arity directly. Instead, we use typeclasses to define a general Uncurry
class Uncurry (F : Type) (Xs Y : outParam Type) where
uncurry : F β Xs β Y
export Uncurry (uncurry)
Here, F
represents a function type X1 β ... β Xn β Y
, and Xs
represents the product type X1 Γ ... Γ Xn
We define instances for different numbers of arguments by induction. For n = 1
, we have:
instance : Uncurry (X β Y) X Y where
uncurry := fun f => f
For the inductive step, where we have n + 1
instance [Uncurry F Xs Y] : Uncurry (X β F) (X Γ Xs) Y where
uncurry := fun f (x, xs) => Uncurry.uncurry (f x) xs
And a simple test:
#eval uncurry (fun a b c d : Nat => a + b + c + d) (1,2,3,4)
This general uncurry
function is already provided by mathlib with Function.HasUncurry.uncurry
and notation βΏf
for Function.HasUncurry.uncurry f
#eval (βΏfun a b c d : Nat => a + b + c + d) (1,2,3,4)
Privide overload of
. The following whould work
example : sum (#[1,3,4], [#[(10,5),(20,8)], #[100]], 1000) = 1251 := by native_decide
instance [Sum A] : Sum (Array A) where
sum l := l.foldl (fun acc a => acc + sum a) 0
example : sum (#[1,3,4], [#[(10,5),(20,8)], #[100]], 1000) = 1251 := β’ sum (#[1, 3, 4], [#[(10, 5), (20, 8)], #[100]], 1000) = 1251
All goals completed! π
Define function that computes the size of product type i.e.
prodSize (Xβ Γ ... Γ Xβ) = n
. Also implement "flat" version which takes into account associativity of product i.e. it counts the size of the product irrespective of the product bracketing. Make the following work
example : prodSize (Nat Γ Nat Γ Nat) = 3 := by decide example : prodSize ((Nat Γ Nat) Γ Nat) = 2 := by decide example : flatProdSize (Nat x Nat x Nat) = 3 := by decide example : flatProdSize ((Nat x Nat) x Nat) = 3 := by decide
class ProdSize (X : Type) where
prodSize : Nat
export ProdSize (prodSize)
instance (priority:=low) {X} : ProdSize X where
prodSize := 1
instance (priority:=low) {X Y} [ProdSize Y] : ProdSize (XΓY) where
prodSize := 1 + prodSize Y
example : prodSize (Nat Γ Nat Γ Nat) = 3 := β’ prodSize (β Γ β Γ β) = 3 All goals completed! π
example : prodSize ((Nat Γ Nat) Γ Nat) = 2 := β’ prodSize ((β Γ β) Γ β) = 2 All goals completed! π
class FlatProdSize (X : Type) where
flatProdSize : Nat
export FlatProdSize (flatProdSize)
instance (priority:=low) {X} : FlatProdSize X where
flatProdSize := 1
instance (priority:=low) {X Y} [FlatProdSize X] [FlatProdSize Y] :
FlatProdSize (XΓY) where
flatProdSize := flatProdSize X + flatProdSize Y
example : flatProdSize (Nat Γ Nat Γ Nat) = 3 := β’ flatProdSize (β Γ β Γ β) = 3 All goals completed! π
example : flatProdSize ((Nat Γ Nat) Γ Nat) = 3 := β’ flatProdSize ((β Γ β) Γ β) = 3 All goals completed! π
Define function curry that takes a function
f : Xβ Γ ... Γ Xβ β Y
and produces functiong : Xβ β ... β Xβ β Y
class Curry (Xs Y : Type) (F : outParam Type) where
curry : (Xs β Y) β F
instance (priority:=low) {X Y} : Curry X Y (XβY) where
curry := fun f => f
instance [Curry Xs Y F] : Curry (XΓXs) Y (XβF) where
curry := fun f x => Curry.curry (fun xs => f (x,xs))
#eval (Curry.curry fun ((a,b,c,d) : βΓβΓβΓβ) => a + b + c + d) 1 2 3 4
Define function that returns i-th element of product type
Xβ Γ ... Γ Xβ
. This is somewhat tricky as you have to do induction ini
class ProdGet (Xs : Type) (n : Nat) (Xn : outParam Type) where
get : Xs -> Xn
instance (priority:=low) : ProdGet X 0 X where
get := fun x => x
instance : ProdGet (X Γ Xs) 0 X where
get := fun (x,xs) => x
instance [ProdGet Xs n Xn] : ProdGet (X Γ Xs) (n+1) Xn where
get := fun (x,xs) => ProdGet.get n xs
#eval ProdGet.get 0 (1,"hello",3.1415)
#eval ProdGet.get 1 (1,"hello",3.1415)
#eval ProdGet.get 2 (1,"hello",3.1415)
Again define function that returns
element of product type but now ignores associativity of the product i.e.get 0 ((0,1),(2,3)) = 0
because previously we gotget 0 ((0,1),(2,3)) = (0,1)
. -
Define complete interface for product types that allows you to get, set and modify elements of arbitrary product type.
Polymorphism Over Types and Terms
In the earlier sections, we defined a polymorphic function size
that operates on collections like List
or Array
. However, what if we want to extend this functionality to types themselves? For instance, we might want size Bool = 2
, size Unit = 1
, and size Empty = 0
. The initial approach we used would require adding instances for Size Type
, which is problematic because we cannot directly provide a size
for any arbitrary type.
To solve this, we need to redefine the typeclass Size
so that it can handle both types and values. The key idea is to make the argument of the size
function part of the typeclass itself rather than a parameter of the function:
class Size {A : Type u} (a : A) where
size : Nat
instance {A} (l : List A) : Size l where
size := l.length
instance {A} (a : Array A) : Size a where
size := a.size
In this refined definition, Size
is parameterized by a value a
of type A
, which allows us to define instances for specific types. For example:
instance : Size Bool where
size := 2
Notice that we use A : Type u
instead of just A : Type
. The reason for this is that Lean uses a concept called universe polymorphism. If we simply wrote A : Type
, it would restrict A
to the lowest universe level, Type 0
, which contains types like Nat
or Bool
. However, for the above instance Size Bool
we need A = Type
thus A : Type 1
. Lean's type theory is stratified into multiple universes to avoid paradoxes like Russell's paradox.
To see this in action, you can run the following command:
#check Type
Type : Type 1
This tells us that Type
itself lives in Type 1
, meaning that Type 0 : Type 1
. More generally, Type u
refers to a type in any universe level u
, where Type u : Type (u+1)
. By using A : Type u
, we allow A
to belong to any universe level, making Size
more flexible and applicable to a wider range of types, including types themselves like Bool
, Unit
, and Empty
We achieved a more general size
function that works polymorphically not only over collections but also over types themselves.
Define a function
that returns the first element of a valuex
wrapped in anOption
. Ifx
is empty, the function should returnnone
. We want the following results:
example : first? [1, 2, 3] = .some 1 := by decide example : first? Bool = .some false := by decide example : first? ([] : List β) = none := by decide example : first? Empty = none := by decide
class First {A : Type u} (a : A) (B : outParam (Type v)) where
first? : Option B
export First (first?)
instance (l : List A) : First l A where
first? := l.head?
instance : First Bool Bool where
first? := .some false
instance : First Empty Empty where
first? := .none
instance : First (Fin n) (Fin n) where
first? :=
if h : n β 0 then
.some β¨0, n : β h : n β 0
β’ 0 < n All goals completed! πβ©
example : first? [1, 2, 3] = .some 1 := β’ first? [1, 2, 3] = some 1 All goals completed! π
example : first? Bool = .some false := β’ first? Bool = some false All goals completed! π
example : first? ([] : List β) = none := β’ first? [] = none All goals completed! π
example : first? Empty = none := β’ first? Empty = none All goals completed! π
General pair function. Define function
that for two typesX
returnsX Γ Y
but for two elements(x : X)
and(y : Y)
example {X Y : Type} : pair X Y = X Γ Y := by rfl example {X Y : Type} (x : X) (y : Y) : pair x y = (x,y) := by rfl
class Pair {X Y : Type*} (x : X) (y : Y)
(XY : outParam Type*) where
pair : XY
export Pair (pair)
instance {X Y : Type*} : Pair X Y (Type _) where
pair := X Γ Y
instance {X Y : Type*} (x : X) (y : Y) : Pair x y (XΓY) where
pair := (x,y)
example {X Y : Type} : pair X Y = (X Γ Y) := X : Type Y : Type
β’ pair X Y = (X Γ Y) All goals completed! π
example {X Y : Type} (x : X) (y : Y) : pair x y = (x,y) := X : Type Y : Type x : X y : Y
β’ pair x y = (x, y) All goals completed! π
-- Alternative definition together with notation which requires some knowledge
-- of metaprogramming.
-- Have a look at this Zulip thread for motivation
-- https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.E2.8A.97.20notation.20for.20types.20and.20elements/near/321358639
class Pair' {X Y : Type*} (x : X) (y : Y)
{XY : outParam Type*} (xy : outParam XY) where
open Lean Elab Term Meta in
scoped elab x:term "β" y:term : term => withFreshMacroScope do
_ β synthInstance (β elabType (β `(Pair' $x $y ?m)).raw)
elabTerm (β `(?m)).raw none
instance {X Y : Type*} : Pair' X Y (XΓY) := β¨β©
instance {X Y : Type*} (x : X) (y : Y) : Pair' x y (x,y) := β¨β©
-- Notice that the result it the familiar `X Γ Y` and `(x,y)` i.e. the notation
-- `β` unifies product notation for types and elements.
#check β β β -- β Γ β
#check (0:β) β 1 -- (0,1)
Typeclasses as Interfaces
After exploring function overloading, we can now turn to another powerful application of typeclasses in Lean: defining interfaces for types. While function overloading allows different functions to be chosen based on the types of arguments, typeclasses can also be used to define a set of required behaviors for a type.
In this sense, typeclasses in Lean are similar to interfaces in object-oriented programming (OOP) languages, where a typeclass defines a set of operations or properties that a type must implement. Unlike traditional OOP, where interfaces are often rigid and tied to specific types, Leanβs typeclass system is more flexible, allowing types to implement typeclasses after they are defined and providing a more modular way to express behaviors.
Defining an Array-like Interface
For example, let's define a typeclass that expresses that a type Arr
behaves like an array, providing operations to access an element by index and get the length of the array. This is how we might define such a typeclass in Lean:
class ArrayLike (Arr : Type) (Elem : outParam Type) where
get : Arr β Nat β Option Elem
length : Arr β Nat
This defines an interface for any type Arr
that behaves like an array. For a type to implement this interface, it must provide definitions for both get
and length
. The get
function retrieves an element by index, returning Option Elem
to handle out-of-bounds access. The length
function simply returns the length of the array.
Implementing the Interface
Next, let's implement this interface for specific types, such as List A
. Lists in Lean already have a concept of length and indexed access, so this is a natural fit for our ArrayLike
instance {A} : ArrayLike (List A) A where
get l n := if h : n < l.length then some (l.get β¨n,hβ©) else none
length l := l.length
Here, we define an instance of ArrayLike
for List A
. The get
function checks if the index is within bounds and retrieves the element if possible, returning none
if the index is out of range. The length
function simply calls the built-in length
method of the list.
Extending the Interface to Other Types
We can extend the ArrayLike
interface to other types, such as arrays:
instance {A} : ArrayLike (Array A) A where
get a n := a.get? n
length a := a.size
In this instance, we use the built-in get?
method of Array
for safe element access, which already returns an Option A
. The length
method is implemented using the size
function of arrays.
Typeclasses in Lean provide a flexible way to define interfaces for types, similar to interfaces in object-oriented languages. By using typeclasses like ArrayLike
, we can define operations such as get
and length
, which can then be implemented for various types like List
and Array
. This allows us to write generic functions that work across multiple types, promoting code reuse and flexibility.
Unlike traditional interfaces, typeclasses allow us to retroactively add functionality to types without modifying their original definitions. This makes them a powerful tool for modular, extensible design in Lean, enabling polymorphism and cleaner abstractions in complex codebases.