Scientific Computing in Lean


Optimizing Array Expressions

Lean is an interactive theorem prover. In this chapter, we will demonstrate how to use Lean as an interactive compiler or computer algebra system. We will focus on a common compiler optimization with arrays: loop fusion, which involves merging two loops into one. We will show how to craft such optimizations, explore them interactively, and discuss how to automate them.

Program optimization can be seen as rewriting a program into another program that is equivalent. By "equivalent," we mean that for the same input, these programs produce the same output. There is a close parallel to theorem proving. Often, to prove equality x = y, we simplify x to x' and y to y'. If x' is identical to y', we have proven that x = y. Lean provides a general-purpose expression simplifier called simp, which has a database of rewrite rules and tries to apply them to subexpressions.

For example, in Lean, there is a theorem stating that adding zero does not change the value:

namespace OptimizingArrays @[simp] theorem Nat.add_zero (n : Nat) : n + 0 = n := rfl end OptimizingArrays

Adding the attribute @[simp] adds this theorem to the simp database of theorems it tries to apply.

We can simplify any expression e by using e rewrite_by simp:

5 : β„•#check (0 + 5 + 0) rewrite_by
| 5
5 : β„•

This returns 5 : β„•, showing that all the zero additions have been eliminated. We can inspect what the simplifier did by turning on some options:

set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.simp.rewrite true in 5 : β„•#check (0 + 5 + 0) rewrite_by
| 5
[Meta.Tactic.simp.rewrite] zero_add:1000, 0 + 5 ==> 5
[Meta.Tactic.simp.rewrite] add_zero:1000, 5 + 0 ==> 5

We can see that the simplifier first simplifies the subexpression 0 + 5 to 5 and then 5 + 0 to 5.

The simplifier has many options and configurations. By default, simp uses all the theorems marked with simp. However, it is often useful to narrow it down to a specific set of theorems. You can do this by using simp only, which does not use any theorems at all, performing only basic lambda calculus reductions, like beta reduction, which turns (fun x => f x) y into f y. To explicitly specify a set of theorems to use, use square brackets:

0 + 5 : β„•#check (0 + 5 + 0) rewrite_by
| 0 + 5
0 + 5 : β„•

This produces 0 + 5, as only the rewrite rule add_zero is allowed.

Loop Fusion

This theorem illustrates the concept of loop fusion, which is relevant to program optimization. Consider the theorem:

open SciLean theorem mapMono_mapMono {I : Type} [IndexType I] (x : Float^[I]) (f g : Float β†’ Float) : (x.mapMono f |>.mapMono g) = x.mapMono fun x => g (f x) :=
inst✝:IndexType I
f:Float β†’ Float
g:Float β†’ Float
⊒ (x.mapMono f).mapMono g = x.mapMono fun x => g (f x)
inst✝:IndexType I
f:Float β†’ Float
g:Float β†’ Float
⊒ ((x.mapMono f).mapMono g)[i✝] = (x.mapMono fun x => g (f x))[i✝]
All goals completed! πŸ™
theorem mapMono_mapIdxMono {I : Type} [IndexType I] (x : Float^[I]) (f : Float β†’ Float) (g : I β†’ Float β†’ Float) : (x.mapMono f |>.mapIdxMono g) = x.mapIdxMono fun i x => g i (f x) :=
inst✝:IndexType I
f:Float β†’ Float
g:I β†’ Float β†’ Float
⊒ (x.mapMono f).mapIdxMono g = x.mapIdxMono fun i x => g i (f x)
inst✝:IndexType I
f:Float β†’ Float
g:I β†’ Float β†’ Float
⊒ ((x.mapMono f).mapIdxMono g)[i✝] = (x.mapIdxMono fun i x => g i (f x))[i✝]
All goals completed! πŸ™

This theorem shows that two mapMono operations can be fused into one. The function mapMono can be implemented with a for loop, so this theorem states that two for loops can be merged into one.

In numerical linear algebra, a common operation is computing aβ€’x+y for a : Float, x and y of type Float^[n]. Scalar multiplication and addition on Float^[n] can be implemented using @ArrayType.mapMono, which means that aβ€’x+y contains two loops that can be fused together using the above theorem.

open SciLean def saxpy {n} (a : Float) (x y : Float^[n]) := (aβ€’x+y) rewrite_by
| ArrayType.mapIdxMono (fun x fx => fx.add y[x]) (ArrayType.mapMono (fun fx => a * fx) x)
| x.mapIdxMono fun i x => (a * x).add y[i]

The saxpy function computes aβ€’x+y, and by adding rewrite_by ..., we rewrite aβ€’x+y to:

def saxpy : {n : β„•} β†’ Float β†’ Float^[n] β†’ Float^[n] β†’ Float^[n] := fun {n} a x y => x.mapIdxMono fun i x => (a * x).add y[i]#print saxpy
def saxpy : {n : β„•} β†’ Float β†’ Float^[n] β†’ Float^[n] β†’ Float^[n] :=
fun {n} a x y => x.mapIdxMono fun i x => (a * x).add y[i]

The first simp only command unfolds the definitions of all the arithmetic operations, revealing the use of mapMono and mapIdxMono used to implement arithmetic operations on arrays. The syntax x + y is just a syntactic sugar for HAdd.hAdd x y. If you want to see the actual definitions, you can add set_option pp.notation false somewhere in your file.

Sometimes, it's useful to keep the default or naive implementation of a function intact and only instruct the compiler to use the optimized version when compiling the code. This can be achieved using the def_optimize command.

For example, let's define a naive version of saxpy:

def saxpy_naive {n} (a : Float) (x y : Float^[n]) := aβ€’x+y

To instruct the compiler to replace saxpy_naive with the optimized version, we use the def_optimize command:

def_optimize saxpy_naive by
| ArrayType.mapIdxMono (fun x fx => fx.add y[x]) (ArrayType.mapMono (fun fx => a * fx) x)
| x.mapIdxMono fun i x => (a * x).add y[i]

This command creates a new definition saxpy_naive.optimized, which is an optimized version of saxpy_naive. It also creates a new theorem called saxpy_naive.optimize_rule, which states that saxpy_naive = saxpy_naive.optimized and marks it with the @[csimp] attribute. The csimp attribute is similar to simp, but it stands for "compiler simp," and the corresponding theorems are only applied during compilation.

Optimizing Array Indexing

Our approach to arrays, allowing indexing with an arbitrary type I, incurs a performance cost as the current Lean compiler can't optimize all layers of abstraction away. However, the flexibility of Lean enables us to engineer such optimizations ourselves without needing to modify the compiler.

Consider matrix-vector multiplication:

def matVecMul {n m} (A : Float^[n,m]) (x : Float^[m]) := ⊞ i => βˆ‘ j, A[i,j] * x[j]

Recall that Float^[n,m] stands for DataArrayN Float (Fin n Γ— Fin m), a data structure indexed by Fin n Γ— Fin m. The generic type A Γ— B presents an issue because currently, any product type is implemented as a pair of pointers. Therefore, the index access A[i,j] first constructs the index (i,j), which is a pair of pointers to i and j, stored somewhere on the heap. This is highly inefficient. We want to rewrite A[i,j] to (i*m+j), computing the linear index i*m+j and avoiding the construction of the product (i,j).

open SciLean def_optimize matVecMul by
A:Float^[n, m]
| ⊞ i => βˆ‘ j, βŸ¨β†‘i + n * ↑j, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘j, β‹―βŸ©

This optimization results in:

set_option pp.funBinderTypes true def matVecMul.optimized : {n m : β„•} β†’ Float^[n, m] β†’ Float^[m] β†’ Float^[n] := fun {n m : β„•} (A : Float^[n, m]) (x : Float^[m]) => ⊞ (i : Fin n) => βˆ‘ (j : Fin m), βŸ¨β†‘i + n * ↑j, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘j, β‹―βŸ©#print matVecMul.optimized
def matVecMul.optimized : {n m : β„•} β†’ Float^[n, m] β†’ Float^[m] β†’ Float^[n] :=
fun {n m : β„•} (A : Float^[n, m]) (x : Float^[m]) =>
  ⊞ (i : Fin n) => βˆ‘ (j : Fin m), βŸ¨β†‘i + n * ↑j, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘j, β‹―βŸ©

The above optimization simply forces the inlining of the mentioned functions. To simplify this process, there is a tactic optimize_index_access that calls simp with the appropriate settings and theorems.

Next, let's consider the dot product of two matrices:

def matDot {n m} (A B : Float^[n,m]) := βˆ‘ (ij : Fin n Γ— Fin m), A[ij] * B[ij]

Explicitly mentioning the type of the index ij : Fin n Γ— Fin m highlights that this function again creates the problematic product type. We want to iterate this sum over the range 0,...,n*m-1 and use this linear index to access the matrices.

open SciLean set_option pp.funBinderTypes true in def_optimize matDot by -- rewrite `sum` over `Fin n Γ— Fin m` to `fold` over `Fin (n*m)` rw[
A:Float^[n, m]
B:Float^[n, m]
| βˆ‘ (i : Fin (size (Fin n Γ— Fin m))), A[IndexType.fromFin i] * B[IndexType.fromFin i]
] -- unfold several layers of abstraction for `get` function
A:Float^[n, m]
B:Float^[n, m]
| βˆ‘ (i : Fin (size (Fin n Γ— Fin m))), (Fin.cast β‹― (IndexType.toFin (IndexType.fromFin i))) * (Fin.cast β‹― (IndexType.toFin (IndexType.fromFin i)))
-- simplify `toFin (fromFin i)` to `i`
A:Float^[n, m]
B:Float^[n, m]
| βˆ‘ (i : Fin (size (Fin n Γ— Fin m))), (Fin.cast β‹― i) * (Fin.cast β‹― i)
-- clean up some expressions
A:Float^[n, m]
B:Float^[n, m]
| βˆ‘ (i : Fin (n * m)), βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ©

This optimization results in:

set_option pp.funBinderTypes true def matDot.optimized : {n m : β„•} β†’ Float^[n, m] β†’ Float^[n, m] β†’ Float := fun {n m : β„•} (A B : Float^[n, m]) => βˆ‘ (i : Fin (n * m)), βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ©#print matDot.optimized
def matDot.optimized : {n m : β„•} β†’ Float^[n, m] β†’ Float^[n, m] β†’ Float :=
fun {n m : β„•} (A B : Float^[n, m]) =>  βˆ‘ (i : Fin (n * m)), βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ©

This can also be achieved by calling the optimize_index_access tactic in a single line.

open SciLean def matDot' {n m} (A B : Float^[n,m]) := βˆ‘ (ij : Fin n Γ— Fin m), A[ij] * B[ij] set_option pp.funBinderTypes true in def_optimize matDot' by
A:Float^[n, m]
B:Float^[n, m]
| βˆ‘ (i : Fin (n * m)), βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ© * βŸ¨β†‘i, β‹―βŸ©